
Therapy Services for CT

Marriage & Family Counseling

Marriage and Family Counseling at Covenant Family Services LLC focuses on rebuilding and strengthening relationships through comprehensive and compassionate therapy. Led by Marcel, a skilled therapist with specialized training in Gestalt therapy, our sessions provide a safe space for families and couples to navigate their challenges and rediscover their joy.
  • Holistic Healing: Our approach targets the roots of conflict, promoting deep healing and understanding within family dynamics.
  • Collaborative Therapy: We engage all family members, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and valued in the healing process.
  • Restored Relationships: Learn effective communication strategies to renew trust and respect among family members.
  • Enhanced Emotional Connection: Reconnect with loved ones on a deeper emotional level, fostering a supportive and nurturing home environment.
  • Conflict Resolution: Equip families with the tools to resolve conflicts and manage stress, leading to a more harmonious home life.
  • Future Planning: Establish clear goals for family and relationship growth, guided by professional insights and personalized counseling.

Anxiety Counseling

Anxiety Counseling at Covenant Family Services LLC is designed to help individuals manage and overcome the overwhelming effects of anxiety. Marcel’s expert application of Gestalt therapy techniques empowers clients to confront their fears and regain control of their lives.
  • Individualized Strategies: Tailored techniques to address the specific manifestations of anxiety in each client.
  • Mindfulness and Awareness: Encourage a deeper understanding of anxiety triggers and responses, fostering mindfulness and presence.
  • Reduced Anxiety Symptoms: Techniques that help reduce physical symptoms of anxiety, such as restlessness and insomnia.
  • Improved Daily Functioning: Gain skills to enhance concentration, decision-making, and overall life satisfaction.
  • Self-Mastery Over Anxiety: Empower clients to understand their anxiety and develop resilience against stressors.
  • Sustainable Well-being: Achieve long-term mental health stability through ongoing support and actionable strategies.

Trauma Counseling

Trauma Counseling at Covenant Family Services LLC addresses the profound impact of traumatic experiences. Marcel’s therapeutic practices are deeply empathetic, offering a pathway to healing and reclaiming a life marked by resilience and hope.
  • Trauma-Informed Care: Recognize the widespread impact of trauma and understand paths for recovery.
  • Safety and Stability: Focus on creating a stable, safe environment to enable healing from trauma.
  • Healing from Past Trauma: Process and heal from traumatic memories and experiences.
  • Restored Self-Worth and Confidence: Rebuild self-esteem and confidence, encouraging a proactive approach to life.
  • Overcoming Barriers: Help clients overcome emotional barriers caused by trauma, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives.
  • Renewed Purpose and Engagement: Assist clients in finding renewed purpose and increasing engagement in both personal and professional relationships.

Depression Counseling

Depression can feel like a dark cloud that dims life’s potential. At Covenant Family Services LLC, we offer specialized Depression Counseling aimed at lifting this cloud, led by Marcel, an experienced therapist trained in Gestalt therapy. Our sessions are designed to not only alleviate symptoms but to explore and address the root causes of depression.
  • Empathetic Engagement: Marcel provides a compassionate, understanding environment that respects each client’s unique experiences.
  • Gestalt Techniques: Utilize Gestalt therapy to enhance self-awareness and present moment focus, important in overcoming depressive symptoms.
  • Emotional Relief: Clients often experience relief from the heavy emotional burden of depression.
  • Renewed Motivation: Rediscover joy, energy, and enthusiasm for life.
  • Understanding and Managing Symptoms: Help clients understand the symptoms of depression and develop strategies to manage and overcome them.
  • Long-Term Resilience: Equip clients with tools for long-term emotional resilience and well-being.

Group Therapy: Anger Management for Men

Our Group Therapy for Anger Management for Men focuses on helping men understand and manage their anger through a supportive and structured group environment. Marcel employs a combination of Gestalt therapy techniques and group dynamics to foster a space where participants can safely explore and address the sources of their anger, learning effective management strategies.
  • Safe Group Environment: Create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where men can openly discuss and address their anger issues.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in interactive activities that promote self-awareness, understanding of anger triggers, and the development of coping strategies.
  • Reduced Incidence of Anger Outbursts: Participants typically experience a reduction in frequency and intensity of anger outbursts.
  • Improved Relationships: Learn to communicate more effectively and manage conflict in healthier ways, leading to improved personal and professional relationships.
  • Mastering Anger Management: Equip men with the tools and knowledge to control their anger and respond to stressful situations constructively.
  • Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Foster greater emotional intelligence, helping men understand and manage their emotions more effectively.

Self-Worth/Identity Issues Counseling

Understanding and accepting oneself is crucial to overall well-being. Covenant Family Services LLC’s counseling for Self-Worth/Identity Issues helps clients explore and affirm their true self. Marcel, utilizing his expertise in Gestalt therapy, guides clients towards a stronger, healthier self-image and identity.
  • Identity Exploration: Facilitate discussions and activities that help clients explore and define their identity.
  • Positive Affirmations: Techniques to reinforce self-acceptance and self-love.
  • Increased Self-Esteem: Clients often report improved self-esteem and confidence.
  • Better Life Choices: Stronger self-worth leads to healthier decisions in personal and professional relationships.
  • Empowerment Through Self-Discovery: Empower clients to discover and embrace their true selves.
  • Sustainable Self-Respect: Foster an enduring sense of self-respect and authenticity.

Attachment Counseling

Attachment issues can deeply affect relationships and personal development. Covenant Family Services LLC offers specialized Attachment Counseling to address and heal attachment disorders. Marcel, with his extensive training in Gestalt therapy, guides clients through a process that fosters secure and healthy relationships.
  • Secure Relationship Building: Focus on developing secure, healthy attachments through proven therapeutic techniques.
  • Individual and Family Sessions: Provide both individual and family sessions to address attachment issues within the context of personal relationships.
  • Improved Relationships: Clients will experience more stable and fulfilling relationships.
  • Enhanced Emotional Security: Increase in emotional security, leading to better mental health and well-being.
  • Resolve Attachment Disorders: Aim to resolve issues stemming from insecure or disorganized attachment styles.
  • Foster Healthy Bonds: Help clients develop the ability to form and maintain healthy attachments.

Issues in Life Cycle Transition Counseling

Transitions in life can be challenging. Whether it’s navigating adolescence, adjusting to parenthood, or transitioning to retirement, our Life Cycle Transition Counseling helps clients manage these critical periods. Marcel utilizes a comprehensive approach to support clients through these changes, ensuring they feel empowered and prepared.
  • Targeted Support for Transitions: Specialized support tailored to specific life transitions, acknowledging the unique challenges of each stage.
  • Gestalt Therapy Techniques: Use of Gestalt therapy to enhance awareness of the here-and-now, which is crucial during transitions.
  • Smooth Transition: Clients find transitions smoother and less stressful.
  • Greater Life Satisfaction: Improved ability to enjoy and embrace new life stages.
  • Effective Coping Strategies: Develop effective coping strategies that enable clients to handle the emotional and practical aspects of life transitions.
  • Empowerment Through Change: Empower clients to take proactive steps towards embracing and thriving in new life stages.

Behavioral/Oppositional Issues Counseling

Behavioral and oppositional issues can disrupt family harmony and individual growth. At Covenant Family Services LLC, we provide counseling aimed at addressing and managing these behaviors. Marcel brings specialized knowledge and techniques to help clients, particularly children and adolescents, improve their behavioral responses and interactions.
  • Behavior Modification Techniques: Implementation of effective behavior modification strategies to encourage positive behaviors.
  • Family Involvement: Engage family members in the therapy process to ensure consistent support and reinforcement at home.
  • Reduced Conflict: Significant reduction in familial and social conflicts.
  • Improved Social Interactions: Enhanced ability to interact positively with peers and authority figures.
  • Behavioral Improvement: Achieve lasting improvements in behavior and self-regulation.
  • Strengthened Family Relationships: Strengthen family relationships through improved understanding and communication.

Adoption Counseling

Adoption brings unique challenges and emotions for both the adoptive families and the adopted individuals. Covenant Family Services LLC offers Adoption Counseling to support all parties through this transformative journey. Marcel, with his specialized training in Gestalt therapy, helps clients navigate the complex emotional landscape of adoption.
  • Integrative Support: Tailored counseling that addresses the needs of adoptive parents, adopted individuals, and biological families.
  • Emotional and Psychological Preparation: Guidance on preparing emotionally and psychologically for the changes that adoption brings.
  • Stronger Family Bonds: Foster stronger connections within the family through understanding and empathy.
  • Emotional Resilience: Build emotional resilience to manage the highs and lows of the adoption process.
  • Successful Family Integration: Facilitate a smooth transition and integration into the family.
  • Healing Past Traumas: Address and heal any past traumas related to abandonment or rejection.

Family Reunification Anxiety Counseling

Reunifying a family after a period of separation can be stressful and fraught with anxiety. Our Family Reunification Anxiety Counseling helps families address these challenges effectively. Marcel’s expertise in family dynamics and therapy provides a reassuring path forward.
  • Anxiety Reduction Techniques: Employ techniques specifically aimed at reducing anxiety related to reunification.
  • Family System Strengthening: Strengthen the family system to support each member through the reunification process.
  • Reduced Reunification Stress: Alleviate the stress associated with family reunification.
  • Improved Family Communication: Enhance communication skills that promote understanding and patience among family members.
  • Smooth Reintegration: Ensure a smooth and stress-free reintegration of family members.
  • Enhanced Family Relationships: Deepen family relationships through guided interaction and shared experiences.

Grief and Loss Counseling

Grief and loss can feel overwhelming, affecting every aspect of life. At Covenant Family Services LLC, we provide Grief and Loss Counseling to help individuals and families navigate their path through mourning. Marcel’s compassionate approach supports clients in processing their grief and finding a way forward.
  • Personalized Grief Therapy: Tailored therapy sessions that respect the unique way each person experiences grief.
  • Support Systems Strengthening: Build and strengthen support systems both within and outside the family.
  • Emotional Healing: Facilitate the healing of deep emotional wounds caused by loss.
  • Restored Functionality: Help clients return to their daily routines with renewed purpose and hope.
  • Understanding and Processing Grief: Assist clients in understanding and processing their grief in healthy ways.
  • Finding New Meaning: Support clients in finding new meaning and joy in life after loss.

Religious Counseling

Religious Counseling at Covenant Family Services LLC integrates faith with psychological principles to provide a holistic approach to therapy. This service is designed for individuals seeking support in a context that respects and incorporates their spiritual beliefs. Marcel, our experienced therapist, facilitates sessions that respect the religious values of our clients, aiding in their journey towards healing and personal growth.
  • Faith-Based Framework: Incorporate clients’ religious beliefs into the therapy process to enhance emotional and spiritual well-being.
  • Ethical and Respectful Integration: Careful integration of spiritual practices with psychological methods to respect personal beliefs while promoting mental health.
  • Enhanced Coping Strategies: Utilize spiritual beliefs to develop robust coping mechanisms for life’s challenges.
  • Deeper Self-Understanding: Gain insights into how spiritual and emotional aspects interact and affect one’s life.
  • Spiritual and Emotional Growth: Promote growth that is not just psychological, but also spiritual, encouraging a well-rounded approach to personal development.
  • Reconciliation of Faith and Emotional Challenges: Help clients reconcile their faith with emotional challenges, creating a harmonious personal life.

Marcel Slowly’s support and guidance during one of the toughest times in my life were invaluable. His expertise in coparenting and compassionate approach provided me with the clarity and strength to move forward.

From the start, Marcel created a safe, nonjudgmental space for me to express my fears and frustrations. His insightful perspectives and deep understanding of coparenting dynamics helped me manage conflicts and foster a cooperative relationship with my co-parent.

Marcel also helped me address past trauma from homelessness. His empathetic approach allowed me to heal and rebuild my life. Through our sessions, I learned to trust myself, build self-esteem, and develop healthier communication skills.

I highly recommend Marcel to anyone facing similar challenges. His dedication, patience, and genuine care have made a profound difference in my life.



Frequently Asked Questions

We understand stepping into the digital world can be daunting. Our FAQs are here to guide you through our collaborative process, ensuring a seamless and supportive experience.
Yes, we provide therapy for all age groups, including specialized services for children and adolescents.
The first session is primarily about understanding your needs and discussing how therapy can help. You will also discuss any relevant history and therapy goals.
Consider writing down any questions you have or issues you wish to discuss. This can help you make the most of your session.
Our therapy integrates multiple modalities but is primarily rooted in Structural Family Therapy, focusing on understanding and actively addressing current problems.
Absolutely, this counseling supports individuals navigating any significant life changes, including career transitions and retirement.
The timeline can vary greatly depending on the individual’s situation, the nature of the issues, and their commitment to therapy.
Yes, we involve parents extensively to ensure that home environments support therapeutic progress.
Group therapy offers peer support and the opportunity to learn from others’ experiences, which can be particularly beneficial for issues like anger management.
While our core therapeutic principles apply to everyone, certain programs, like our Anger Management for Men, are tailored to meet specific needs.
Yes, individual therapy can help you understand relationship dynamics and develop strategies to improve interactions.

Please call, text, or email to schedule an appointment or to inquire more about our services.

Client Forms

Download and complete these forms as necessary and return them at the time of appointment. Completed should be sent via secured channels only.